by on January 10, 2024

Last year was the worst year of my life having lost my beautiful son to suicide. I then left Florida due to the treatment by the police in Jacksonville when it came to looking for my lost child. They refused to help and just argued with me for 6 days which my autistic son was having an episode at 1am after myself and my daughter had been in a car crash that day. He left, texted me that he did not want to grow up because it looks too stressful. His body was found in the water days later. So many more bad things happened after that so now I am in NYC with my youngest child/daughter. We ended up losing everything we had and having to start over completely in NYC. I have been quite depressed but I have been able to make new friends and help other people in my area. I had previously used lasagna love to get a lasagna sent to me so when I got here in July I requested one. I never got one and so after Fat Joe gave free food to people on Thanksgiving he included lasagna noodles and tomato paste. I thought it strange because I didn't know if his culture made lasagna at the holidays but I put it in the cabinet. December rolled around and I remembered lasagna love again because I had located laundry love from my cupcake girls advocate. (laundry love provides free laundry for the needy). I went to their website and found it was easy to become a volunteer. SO now I have made 3 lasagnas for familes and the 4the one I got my own name so I checked that one off too lol. if you need one then request it. I have a list of 1000 lasagnas we are behind in NY so I am currently looking for volunteers in NYC. I am planning to build my chapter her in NYC and then focus my chapters efforts on this, laundry love, and other volunteer opportunities in the area. At Chrismas there was a huge need for help with toy distributions for kids and I was able to help in that area which allowed me to find out future needs here. I have learned so much about the needs of the people in this city in the last 7 months and am very motivated to work towards solutions. I also joined an organization called Operation Underground Railroad which helps sex trafficking victims. Watch the movie called The Sound of Freedom and if it doesn't make you want to help these kids then you are dead inside. I thought I was dead inside after I lost my son but when I watched this movie and then the documentries from the same organization I got so fucking pissed off. Its disguisting that people do this shit to children. I am thankful my son took his life and not someone else in a much worse way. He died a virgin and a very innocent sweet boy who spelled the word sex out and would not look at my friends butt when he took a picture for her. He turned his head and aimed the camera. He was so kind and polite. I am so blessed I got to spend 17 years with him and so sad I won't see him again until I meet him in heaven. I cut off a lot of people in Florida after this event because so many people did me wrong. I forgive them but I'll never include them in my circle again. My nurse interns in Florida however are going to need to drive or fly up here so we can do something this year. Weed is legal here and we can grow it so I am finally somewhere I can fully be a 420 Nurses Intern and build my chapter to do great things.Even my 15yr old daughter has a prescription for medical marijuana here and it has made her panic attacks go away as well as she can relax finally.  My own chapter members Harmony and Tara gave me support through this shitty time. SO much drama occurred last year. I have been doing bible studies and Joyce Meyer has been such a good influence on my life. God makes the best weed. Bad weed comes from satan, don't smoke that shit lol. Cupcake girls have done so much for me in the last year and a half mentally. If you are a sex worker I highly recommend their services. I am looking forward to helping anyone that needs it. If you need resources let me know and I will point you in the right direction no matter where you are. My chapter is a traveling chapter and online also so you don't have to be in NYC to join but you do have to come here if you want to participate in chapter meetings/events. Happy New Year Everyone!! 

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