by on December 1, 2020

What does this Holiday season mean to you? 

For me it means family comes together peacefully. Its a time to give not take. A time of selflessness. Id love to hear some of your holiday traditions. 


Some I have is we stay up and open 1 present on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning we all get up early around 9am,  mom drinks a cup of coffee and we open presents. Mom always puts a little cheer in her coffee too 😜

Post in: Lifestyle
Topics: holidays, traditions
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My parents were mean. I spoil my kids even though its a bad idea. I cook for them this big meal and some of my kids are like the age of most of the interns. I have from 12 to 30 years old. I make sure the 2 younger ones have a lot of gifts. I try to get the older ones a gift each. Now all the older ... View More
Like December 4, 2020
this is so precious
Like December 4, 2020