Doc Blah
by on January 9, 2019
We want to get your feed back on a new section on 420nurses called Chapters.
What we are trying to accomplish with the new section is the following>>>>
- Chapters Certification section
- Place for interns to go and find how they can join a local chapter
- A map to see the closes chapter
- Easy Communicator for Chapters to contact enrolled Interns
If your a chapterleader or an intern and have any ideas on what tools or features we can make available then let us know.
Post in: News
Topics: chapters
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5 people like this.
Kaylee Grace
I Love this Idea! Definitely would make it easier to collaborate that way as well (:
Like January 9, 2019
Acinonyx rex
How to become an offical intern
Like January 9, 2019
yes I love this! just need ways to look up chapters based on location/zipcode
Like January 10, 2019
Doc Blah
Thats a feature that could be added
Like January 11, 2019