Canna Queen
by on January 9, 2019
Hi all,
I've been struggling a lot with my anxiety lately and I'm not sure why. A lot of people in my life are trying to come up with reasons for me to be anxious that didn't make me anxious before, or I'm not even sure if they did. (sidetone: I'm super high rn so sorry if I don't make sense) For 6 days straight, I had a panic attack each day. Most of those days I woke up super anxious and then went to sleep like that as well usually on medications that are not weed. I stopped smoking after my second panic attack. It first started when I was on my way to the airport in Cape Cod. I felt it coming and I started gagging. I get nauseous and want to vomit when I'm having a panic attack. I had a 7 hour flight ahead of me and Long story short, it was like a 9 hour panic attack which was terrible for me. The next day, waking up in my bed felt great. I got ready and started driving to my grandmas house to see my family after 2 weeks. During my drive on the freeway, I started feeling dissociative and having a panic attack. I got to my grandmas quickly and had my sister bring me to the ER because I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was going to die. My head didn't feel right and my body didn't feel right. They said there wasn't much they could do to help me. They got me Xanax and that night I found out that 1 full Xanax doesn't work for me. I could feel myself still having the panic attack through it. and I was only prescribed .5 but I knew it was safe enough to double it if that dose didn't work out which is what happened. I ended up at urgent care at kaiser a few days later for the same thing and to get fluids because I hadn't eaten in 5 days. I got prescribed Ativan which actually helps me when I'm having a panic attack and my breathing exercises fail. I've been working through it this past couple weeks and its been one of the hardest things but I know imma be ok. I'm getting back to myself quicker than I thought and I'm gonna keep getting better. This has motivated me to live happier and I'm gonna try to do that. Sorry for abruptly stopping but I feel like that's enough of that story. My new medication and marijuana have been an immense help and a big part of this process. Thanks for listening
Post in: Health
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