by on November 2, 2018
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Yesterday I was taken to the Emergency with Strokelike symptoms. My heart & body was under too much stress. My anxiety was overwhelming. During my stay at the ER, they were concerned with the convulsions my body was enduring (mild seizures). They feared I could go into a Grandmal seizure, as I have in the past. It is a very scary sight for others & takes every bit of energy & life it seems from my body. I was provided an I.V. (i hate cause it always hurts), took a lot of blood samples, provided a muscle relaxer to stop the muscles from spasming, and liquid seizure meds in my I.V. I hate my seizure meds !!! They make my liver enflame, make me feel drunk, throw off my equilibrium, & I don't feel like myself. I am on limited finances so I have not been able to medicate with Cannabis as I usually would. With every ounce of will I have, I do not wish to go back to pharma meds. I want to LIVE, I fight everyday, I want to continue to be a medicinal cannabis consultant, I want to live without pain.
#positive #vibes #prayers #healing #420nursesventuracountychapter #420batmami #epilepsy #trigeminalneuralgia #suicidedisease #tnwarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #chronicpain #heart #stress #whatdoesntkillyou #strong #ladiesofcannabis #medicinalcannabisconsultant #medicalmarijuana
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