by on June 24, 2015
Jack Herer said to me in 2003, “Medical marijuana is the worst thing to happen to pot.” I blinked, and then said “What about the studies of pot fighting cancer?”

“It's the plant, the whole plant. Cannabis, not marijuana, that's what is important.”

I just finished watching some jackboot local cops in Las Vegas bust in a clinic with a battering ram, full swat outfitted, assault weapons drawn, flashlights on, like they were in Iraq or some other Muslim state. They weren't police, they were soldiers and we are the enemy. The search warrant had been issued by a Justice of the Peace. Although they can issue a search warrant, it can't be for the type of search and seizure requiring the swat equipment used. Their jurisdiction is in the more misdemeanor range but a real lawyer from that state would have to give you the particulars. Something heavyweight has to come from a judge. Plus these warrants don't list a specific item to be seized. Blanket warrants are illegal.

What is the reason and why is this new style of intimidation happening? It all goes back to the Feds.

After actively and illegally interfering in state governments to derail all legitimate ways to regulate medical marijuana for real patients, the children helped by cannabis have made the feds move out of the limelight cast. Rather than being satisfied with the recreational end revenues, they pulled back vocally but put local jurisdictions and the 'good ole boys/fresh hired from Iraq/Afghanistan vet thugs' to harass legitimate owners until the DA/city councils can financially put their people in charge.

Both in the vid I saw and the vid here, this amount of unprofessional-ism was identified by a vet as the way troops act in war. There is no respect or compassion given, no quarter allowed for the enemy land's civilians. The few war crimes that came to light show that. It is the same mentality with the clinic cops who bust in, feel up the women, pocket some of the product, and use a local snitch, aka paid village informer like some turncoat Arab. Having watched the Congress hand Obama his Fast Track the morning after the nine church members were killed in SC, while everyone everywhere was watching the news, stunned, shows the real character of those in charge. There will be no sharing. It's us and our medicine, or it's them, and you can bend over and take it.

So what are we to do? First, save any seeds you get. These are now heirlooms.

Number two, align yourself with Jack's bill, the CCHI, if you live in Cali. If you don't, find it and read the language to push it in your own state. Jack's bill needs to be national because that is the only way to insure all patients' rights. Other states and their 'experts' who are trying to re-invent the wheel don't have your concern on their minds. They will never understand because they never indulge. Knowledge is power. Know what the CCHI is about.

Number three. Keep up with what's happening and making 'like' friends. If you're a praying type, then do that, but something is coming to this country long before the 2016 elections. The sins of this system have reached up to heaven. The last blood moon is fast approaching and the scientists at CERN are trying to open a star-gate portal. The site is located on an ancient pagan temple area and the ringed dancing goddess Siva, the destroyer, sits as a monument at the main building of the Hadron collider [LHC] marking the spot.

If this sounds a bit preposterous, then here's the kicker. Our 'patron saint' is none other than Demeter, known more likely by her stage name, Mother Nature. One Love.

PS: this article was going to be on the NEWS site but there are current articles there for reading, PT
Post in: Esoteric, Politics
4 Liked
4 people like this.
Thank you for this very interesting post. I'm on my way to research Jack's bill.
Like June 25, 2015
thank you for your comment. feedback means a lot <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />
Like June 25, 2015
Thanks, I did. I also write at another website and this could be part of that day.<br />
Like June 25, 2015
wow thanks so much for this information!!! the article attached was very interesting
Like June 25, 2015 Edited