Summer Rain
by on November 6, 2014
$10 Reviews (YOU MAKE $ ,YOU KEEP IT 100%)

What is a Business Review page on ?
A Review page is where you can go to and submit your written individual opinion about a particular website, service, product, and/or business giving them up to a 5 STAR Review seen by millions & remains on the site forevever.

Are Business reviews Mandatory ?
Yes, Your 420nurses intern starter kit accommodates 8 business stickers, Each sticker is worth a potential minimum of $10 – You keep 100%

How can I add a new business to the site?
Easy! , Create your Profile on
Click on Business Listings on the top menu and select add new business

Where Do I Place the 5 Star review sticker?
You will place the review sticker in a visible location like a Window, Front Door, Wall, Register of the business location, anywhere that customers will see the business has 5 STARS.

Start with Local Businesses , Family ,Friends and then the internet people who own a businesses that offer services or products that we can promote and offer them a
5 Star review for a one time $10 donation.

Hello My name is ______________ I am a 420Nurse Promotional Model. We are a Marketing, Modeling, Networking Company. We have close to 3Million Page views on and we want to Add your business listing with a 5 STAR Review that will be seen by millions for only a
ONE-TIME Donation of $10 , I will email you your NEW Business page plus you get a 5 Star Sticker.

They SAID YES! What is next? Congratulations!
1)Be sure to take notes on the business for your review (Take a business Card)
2)Place a 5 Star Review visible in their business
3)Take pictures of yourself and the sticker with the business or product (If Possible)
4) Please add the business to
Click on Businesses on the top menu and add it
13 Liked
13 people like this.
Thank you this was extremely helpfull ! <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />
Like January 24, 2015
Gypsy Jayne
Nice! Once my intern kit gets in I think I have a couple lined up 1f600.png
Like March 28, 2015
Summer Rain
[x=68525]Gypsy Jayne[/x] start by adding their business page under the business section <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> sooner, the better
Like March 30, 2015
Angela Asphyxia
Lindsay and I are planning a day to do multiple reviews in Vancouver! We have lots of great businesses to add very soon! (:
Like March 31, 2015