by on June 18, 2014
A recent political science experiment was run by the Temecula Calendar dubbed GMO’s Rising Star. While conspiracy theorists claim the entire government is compromised, the more realistic view is that a portion of the government is owned. This plutocratic vein was revealed by the Calendar experiment to exist and exert a controlling influence in public politics.

This time in history is one that we can all feel. If you are young, you’re in a rush to make your mark, to leave something behind with your stamp. If you are mature, you feel compelled to spread the wisdom and knowledge you have gathered for decades in your smoke filled thoughts. We can all tell that this point in time seems also to be holding its breath.

The system we all labor under is the game of money, or capitalism, or ‘gettin’ cheddar’ as Afroman would say in Palmdale slang. It is a game the world participates in, but now the game of money is about to end. The dream of Obama, the ‘image’ chasing him, is the same ‘image’ that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream resulting in the same frightening conclusion and it signifies the bookends of the money game’s time of existence.

The game of money is beyond good and evil but loves the yin and yang from money spent by both sides creates currency like blood circulation in a mortal. This is the life flow to the god Mammon. It is the movement of ‘something’ from the earth for commerce rather than just the swap by the items involved that funds the game. As this ‘game’ is esoteric or metaphysical, involvement by mortals or people, would seem to be mandatory. But that is not the case, not for those of us here, now.

You see, all of us ingest cannabis on a daily basis. We are not stoners, though some of us feel that way. For me, and a lot of folks here, cannabis is a lifestyle, a mantra, a uniting force, a wonder drug, and for those who have read the free 420Nurses exclusive Memoirs’ Chapter 20, available here in archive blogs, the plant is otherworldly.

Long touted as the world’s most useful plant, cannabis keeps amazing scientists and users alike because, as put forth in those blog segments, cannabis possesses a collective sentinel spirit that is from the earth and connected to us, if we choose, by hard-wired receptors in our brain. As we are all bathed in extra radioactivity daily due to Fukushima, the cannabis we all consume neutralizes it. This was confirmed by a conversation with a scientist at the Tree House, LA’s pot niteclub recently.

However, beyond the health benefits and even the esoteric considerations is the blasphemy of mutating something from the beginning of time meant for the benefit of man specifically, see Gen 1:29-30. Though we may be society’s ‘lame’ because of medical issues caused by ‘modern science’, the plant we love loves us back and has removed us from the game being played on everyone else. We may still be at the table of surviving but those without our meds and philosophy toward others aren’t shielded from harm by the Mother of Cannabis, Dame Divine Intervention, since we are now removed from the game.

We are removed not because we’re artsy, or smart, or even super cute. Our fight is to keep our One Love pure through CCHI2016. Weed is political and will be until the whole world is groovy. And we all know who the grooviest group is, don’t we Sports Fans? More info coming soon.
Post in: Esoteric, Health, Politics
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