by on May 8, 2014
California’s bill to label genetically engineered foods, SB 1381, is on its way to the Senate floor! However, the bill needs to be passed by the Appropriations Committee first. The hearing is scheduled for May 12.

Please call members of the Appropriations Committee before May 12 and ask them to vote yes for SB 1381. We again need to take action to bring SB 1381 before the Senate floor.

Like before, say you support SB 1381 and be ready to give your name or zip code or town. It’s as simple as that.

Here’s who to call:

Senate Appropriations Committee Members

Senator Kevin de Leon, Chair, (916) 651-4022

Senator Mimi Walters, Vice Chair, (916) 651-4037

Senator Ted Gaines, (916) 651-4001

Senator Jerry Hill, (916) 651-4013

Senator Ricardo Lara, (916) 651-4033

Senator Alex Padilla, (916) 651-4020

Senator Darrell Steinberg, (916) 651-4006

As always, Thank You, PT420
Post in: Health, Politics, News
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