by on November 12, 2013
The main reason people don’t like a law is they are hard to understand. They are made this way by lawyers purposely; however there is a way to defeat this, especially for a group.

In the coming months a second ‘legal weed’ petition is set to be circulated. Presented here for the 420Nurses is a copy of the exact wording to be dissected for feedback. I have my section that I don’t like but we will save that for a later discussion. May I suggest that a group of four to five get together and each take a section, read it [by yourself], and report back to the group what it said, what you liked, and what you would change, write these down and keep notes. Repeat process until the entire initiative is picked apart. Maybe save it for an intern night activity. We will get back to the author(s) of this bill with corrections, if needed.
(Note: this is not an endorsement of the MCLR, nor a disenchantment of Jack Herer’s CCHI)

Here is the link:
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