by on December 21, 2012
420Community Alert to the 420nurses attending KMK


The has removed the pages on the website Smile Please don't be sad because we have just minimized your network time to a more affective way of promoting and networking is through your personal profile and Business Listings. We are currently in the works of a new project that will be introduce to to you all very shortly , Please stay tuned and note if you are a person with a business , service product or other you may place a business listing which will be properly indexed through Google and other related browsers that will guide the Direct target base Users to become your followers which is a FREE business listing you can manage all FREE and approved , Please see link to ADD NOW your FREE Business info to the site to help direct new people to your network Smile , Thank you for reading

We have updated our network and we have done some changes. We have removed the section called Pages. If you have a business or services you can now have your business listed under the section called “Business”. Click here to add your business.
Why the Change? We want to improve our network and closely integrate all sections with each other. The business listing allows people to find your business quick and easy. With this section they can also follow your business.
What about the users? We have made it easier with Business listings to find businesses you LOVE and NEED. It also finds your location and it shows you the closest business to you.

What about the Future? We will be focusing on improving this section and making it easier for clients to stay connected with the businesses they love.

How do I promote my company ? Click Here -->
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