by on December 10, 2012
For those of you still recovering from the shock of Monday's Gmail outage, there may be even worse news -- Facebook appears to be down for some users, and lacking images for others.

FACEBOOK GOT HACKED & OFFLINE back in NOV 2012 Anonymous hackers have threatened to take down Facebook and offer Zynga's games for free in protest.Its never a win win for anyone on this! - Many companies and people depend on facebook for all sorts of daily accomplishments , Facebook is a business and when they are offline it shakes the whole world at once!

As far as Facebook is concerned, Anonymous have threatened to ‘take down Facebook’ several times. It hasn't happened yet, and it is unlikely to happen. Its threat after threat of innocent people being shot in the cross fire of this battle.

Scared of getting hacked? - Make sure you choose passwords that are at least eight letters long and don't choose words that are in the dictionary, says Lou Steinberg of TD Ameritrade.That doesn't mean your password has to be a jumble of random letters. Try using the first letter of each word from a phrase. Lastly, never enter any password into a public computer, such as one at a hotel or cafe. These machines can be infected with software that can be used to capture your password. If you're using a mobile device in a cafe to access your brokerage account, it's best to turn off the Wi-Fi network and use your cellular network instead. Connections over cellular networks are much more secure than public Wi-Fi hot spots.

What do you think of the whole mess?

publicity stunt from attackers ?
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