July 28, 2017 06:29 PM - July 30, 2017 09:29 PM
  • Private Event
Lake Isabella
United States
Created By

hey ladies me and indigostoner are going to be throwing a 420nurses lake camp day/bbq and we would love for all interns who can make it to join us Smile

we will have food and meds but more is always appreciated Smile

you will need sunblock, a bathing suit (if you plan on getting in the water ) and a towl.
We dont know how many girls are coming so you would also need to bring your own meds if you can Smile

please message me or idigostoner for more details Smile

we are thing to do this in 2 weeks or so Smile

we cant go into the river so there wont be rafting because it isnt safe right now but we will be swimming in the lake Smile
we also wanna do some photos of the girls playing in the water, smokeing, ect Smile

so i cant wait and i cant wait to hear from you lovely ladies Smile
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