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March 11, 2017 06:00 AM - February 11, 2017 07:00 AM
  • Other
900 S 600 E Salt Lake City Utah 84105
United States
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We are hosting a rally for medical cannabis to be legalized in Utah. Please take this poll so that we can get a number as to how many people think that it should be legalized medicinally in Utah or if you would like to attend the event and speak at the event. We really need as many signatures as possible so please come and support the residents of Utah pushing for medical cannabis. THE MORE THE BETTER. Even if you're not a resident it still shows support for our residents here. The signatures we collect you must be a registered voter. Not sure if you have to be a resident for us to use your signature. But like I said the more who show the better. It is 3/11/17 at 1PM on the corner of liberty park 900 S 600E Salt Lake City Utah 84105
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