Bryn Alexandria
by on March 15, 2017
I have been through hell and back in my life. I'm only 20, turning 21 soon and I've already dealt with an older guy that happens to be an ex of mine and continuously put me down to make himself feel better. Calling me names out of his own insecurities, telling me I was fat and basically worthless. Always wanted me to work out to fit his superficial mind even though how I was when I met him seemed fine then.. made my life a living hell and made me so insecure I was hesitant to even post a sexy picture or even a decent one of my face cause he would say I'm beautiful one day then fat the next. Liking other girls pictures in front of me and not giving a shit about how I'd feel. Starting pointless arguments. Today, I finally realized that I'm worth so much more than what society had made girls out to look like and I'm starting to love myself more than I ever did.
Me posting this is my way of telling you girls that it gets better and it may not seem like it now but you're a dime plus 99. Stay true to yourself and pick yourself up when bullies take you down. After 6 months of dating him and two months of kicking myself down after the break up, I finally just said "Fuck it" and posted this picture on every social media to show I'm happier than I ever was with my body and soul. My manipulative controlling ex was a lesson and I've learned it amazingly. I've found someone way better and that's cared for me way more than @ ufoglass207 ever Did. (Putting his user name in cause I'm showing I can say it and not be worried cause In the end, he's all talk) he's just a creep on girls In the end cause he will never be happy. (I'm tell you guys my story of abuse because I wanna be open and honest with you guys so I can hopefully help others and share my growth since that asshole. He was/is abusive
Physically, mentally, verbally and emotionally. I thank @420nurses for helping me start my way to feeling better cause I can't wait to meet all these lovely girls! (Thank you to the girls that I met during this difficult time because they became my friends #instagram #710smoke #aliens #420sangels
#420nurses •don't hate, appreciate•
Never give up on yourself ߒ
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