Green MnM
by on December 9, 2016
It was so nice yesterday hanging with all the ladies who attended the photoshoot yesterday.! It's been awhile since I hung out with some of the nurses. Seeing all them putting make up on and doing each other's hair like they've been doing all that for years together it was nice to see the bond everyone has. I grew up with boys I have 4 brothers and I was a daddy's girl so I really never did girl things I was more the type to go ride a motorcycle lets go paint balling shooting play some sports get dirty but since I became A mom to a bueatiful baby girl has slowly been opening my eyes and want to change for her cuz she's so girly and loves make up and to paint her nails. When I do photoshoots like the one yesterday makes me happy and I get to see how it is to have that bond with girls and do your hair. I really don't know how to do my make up I've tried watching tutorials on YouTube but it just doesn't work for me I know a lot tell me I shouldn't even wear it but seeing all the girls put it on and help eachother out was nice and makes them feel bueatiful. Since I had my daughter I lost a lil self confidence cuz of the weight gain, I've lost a lot of the weight but not to my expectations. I just wanna say thank you to summer rain and Cha Cha va voom for helping out and giving us girls this opportunity. You girls rock
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Virgo Kush
Thanks for sharing
Like December 9, 2016
Golden Bud
Thank you for yesterday!! <33 <br />I cant wait to make more memories and have future drunk moments lol. I cant wait to meet ur little girl! <33. Just know u got a friend in me boo<33 You are an amazing mom and incredible person inside and out<33. U deserve the world. Grateful to have met u<3. Have... View More
Like December 9, 2016