by on August 6, 2015
This morning I was walking my dog, when i saw a little old lady walking her dog, and carrying a wooden chair. I asked her if she needed help, she didn't speak much english so i used the little spanish that i know. She was trying to get it across the street so i helped her carry her chair to her house, it was a pretty far walk for her to have done it by herself. She was so grateful she kept thanking me over and over it felt really nice to have been able to help her.
Just wanted to share.
Sometimes helping a little old lady across the street is not something thats too old to do.
Happy Thursday!!
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April Stoney
Random acts of kindness really makes you feel amazing and I am a strong believer in it! I really like helping the homeless. There was this homeless guy that always sat in front of a store that I worked at and I would always offer him money when I had it and food as well. One day I asked if he had an... View More
Like August 6, 2015
Omg april what a beautiful thing you did. And he was appreciative he could have destroyed that room and left you accountable to the damages. But he knew he just caught a break with a bed shelter heat and a shower meant so much to him. You should write your own blog on that story.
Like August 7, 2015
one act of kindess will allows lead to another ♡♡
Like August 7, 2015
April Stoney
He really could have!! But I had complete faith in him and, coming from someone that has been homeless, I knew how hard it is to not know where you will sleep next.There are many circumstances where someone has shown me absolutely nothing but kindness towards me when I needed it and it is only fair ... View More
Like August 8, 2015