by on January 24, 2015
For as long as I could remember growing up cannabis was right next to every other hard core drug and as I got older I realize that cannabis isn't even remotely as close to any man made drug. Why do I choose to have use cannabis in my life? Well , its an alternative medicine that's natural. And after I get done smoking a joint or taking a bong hit I feel relaxed , no anxiety. Stress-free type of lifestyle for me. And its a lot healthier on and for my body than any pill a doctor could give me , let alone all those nasty drugs done by humans.

I've been smoking on a regular for about four years straight now and between my asthma problems to my social anxiety I've never felt more free from myself than when I found cannabis. And the cool part about it is you can do almost anything and everything with cannabis. From eating , to smoking , to even putting it on your skin to help.

Crazy how one plant can make all these products and even help to the fullest from small problems to big problems like cancer.

So , I choose cannabis for a healthy alternative way of lifestyle for medicinal reasons and to just be happy and stress free. <3'
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