by on July 20, 2014
What is the result, if you merge Playboy with High Times?...

420Nurses is the 1st thing that pops into mind. I feel deep down in my heart & guts, that I was meant to be with 420 Nurses. A couple years ago, a Psychic/Medium felt compelled to tell me his message, he asked if I worked in the medical field. During that time, I was a Medical Office Mgr./Medical Assistant. He made a few more predictions, that in time indeed came true with minor glitches; His final prediction was that I was meant to be SUCCESSFUL, in the Medical Field, & WIDELY Known...Like most people I thought he was trying to scam me in some way & lost contact.

I always felt I had to COVER UP & HIDE being a Medical Marijuana Patient. That my family, friends, & community would be disappointed if they ever knew. I was NEVER Me & felt uncomfortable in my own skin. No MORE, I'm sick & tired of feeling trapped! No MORE, am I going to allow my own insecurities to decide my lifestyle. I'm taking back charge of my life.

After discovering 420Nurses & meeting with Cha Cha & Summer at 420 Nurses Headquarters, yesterday afternoon. I truly feel so at home with Cha Cha, Summer & 420Nurses. Its unexplainable the unspoken bond I feel & truly takes my breath away. I have this build up emotion, energy & drive to help REVOLUTIONIZE 420Nurses.

With all of your LOVE & SUPPORT, JOIN us & help REVOLUTIONIZE 420 Nurses to the top!

Don't forget please become my friend or fan @kittycatz81.
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